
Here is a list of upcoming conventions where you can buy my merch on site! :D
  • MAG-C


    08. - 09.02.2025

  • Manga Comic-Con

    Leipzig Book Fair

    27 - 30.03.2025

  • Comic Park Erfurt


    25. - 26.05.2025

Tawy Tea Time

I took part in an Artist Alley for the first time in December 2022 with a mini stand, a few prints, stickers and keychains. Since then, my range has changed a lot and also grown! <3 With "Tawwy Tea Time" I want to offer cute merchandise in my art style. :)

I was in the Artist Alley of Frankenmexx, Connichi, Mex Berlin, Comic Con Stuttgart, Level Up, etc.!

Thank you for your support and I hope to see you again soon at an Artist Alley!

Tawy <3